When Muslim employees at Ford Motor Co. needed a place to perform ablution, a ceremonial washing before prayer, they knew who would help. The Ford Interfaith Network, a company-funded religious employee group, played the role of ombudsman and had certain restroom sinks designated for ablution at the Product Development Center in Dearborn, Michigan.
Question: How could we begin a campaign on The Gospel of Jesus Christ?
Answer: WE cannot - but God can.
How do you describe the life of faith among the people of God in their jobs or careers?
This is a brief overview of the renewal of the Western church as it recovers the ministry of service, witness and righteousness for every believer.
Ever felt disillusioned because a raise or other promised perk somehow never materialized? And the explanation of why included the reasonable-sounding explanation of an economic downturn or company restructuring?
Where do we go to find the “four cornerstones” of sales success? I believe the Bible has all the answers we need because selling is a battle for the hearts and minds of individuals, and the Bible is full of models for winning battles.
Have you ever heard the joke, “How do you know when a salesman is lying? His lips are moving!” That joke is a biting commentary on the state of affairs in American business today, especially the sales profession.
When we first enter the world of commerce, we’re told how to conform and we’re expected to do so. I began my sales career having no clue there were two systems based on two very different worldviews with two entirely different outcomes. I was told my mission was to work in the marketplace so I could fund the work of the kingdom.
Most employees work for private employers and these employees are primarily protected only by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. They may also be protected by laws in their State similar to Title VII. State laws protecting the religious freedom of employees may provide more protection than Title VII, but generally they are very similar to the federal law. This article does not attempt to describe individual state laws therefore employees should consult an attorney who is licensed in their particular state to determine if state law provides them with added protection. Here, we explain how employees of private organizations are protected by Title VII. The rules of law stated also apply to government employees, but focus on private employees because Title VII is usually their only remedy.
Just how much can you talk about Jesus Christ on the job? Is it legally permissible for managers to mention Bible verses when conversing with clients, or to pray for their employees? At what point does witnessing constitute harassmen4&or does it ever?